Welcome to QSU Game Jam!
We are passionate gamers from universities around the world, dedicated to sharing our love for games with a wider audience. We created this competition with the vision of providing more people the opportunity to explore, learn, and enjoy game development. If you are interested in our organization or wish to offer your assistance and support, feel free to contact us:
Organization Email: qsugamejam@gmail.com
Our main website is qsu-gamejam.com, and we primarily communicate via Discord and WeChat. You can also find our promotional videos on YouTube and Bilibili.
欢迎来到 QSU Game Jam!我们是来自世界各地大学的游戏爱好者,热衷于将我们的激情传递给更多人。我们创建这个比赛的初衷是为了让更多人有机会探索、学习和享受游戏创作的乐趣。如果你对我们的组织感兴趣,或者希望提供帮助和支持,请随时与我们联系: